Monday, September 17, 2012

Statues for Critics

Meet the Critics

“Has anybody ever seen a drama critic in the daytime? Of course not. They come out after dark, up to no good.”
P.G. Wodehouse

The first drama critic
Best-known criticism:  The Poetics

“Pay no attention to what the critics say. No statue has ever been dedicated to a critic.”
Jean Sibelius

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Enlightenment Critic
On Gothic Architecture  Theory of Colors  Shakespeare: a Tribute
 "No statue has ever been dedicated to a critic.”

George Eliot
Novelist and Critic
The Life of Jesus Critically Examined
Silly Novels by Lady Novelists  The Influence of Rationalism
No statue has ever been dedicated to a critic.”

John Ruskin 
Victorian Art Critic
Modern Painters    The Stones of Venice   The Elements of Drawing

No statue has ever been dedicated to a critic.”

George Bernard Shaw
Drama and Music Critic
The Perfect Wagnerite   Our Theaters in the Nineties   London Music

No statue has ever been dedicated to a critic.”

Virginia Woolf
Feminist Literary Critic
A Room of One's Own
 "No statue has ever been dedicated to a critic.”

Osip Mandelstam
 Poetry Critic
On the Nature of the Word  On the Addressee  Talking about Dante
 "No statue has ever been dedicated to a critic."

Marina Tsvetaeva
Literary Critic
Boris Pasternak and Vladimir Mayakovsky  Art in the Light of Conscience
 "No statue has ever been dedicated to a critic."

T.S. Eliot
Literary Critic
Tradition and the Individual Talent

No statue has ever been dedicated to a critic.”

Jean Paul Sartre
Literature and Philosophy Critic
Editor of Journal 
Les Temps Modernes
What is Literature?  The Idiot of the Family
No statue has ever been dedicated to a critic.”


briank said...

Nice work!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I had fun with it. Interesting how many of the critics were writers of poetry, plays or novels.